Download Help


How does this work?

We sell digital download manuals – no printed book or disc will be shipped as part of your order. This allows us to offer great prices without shipping costs. Our website will grant you access to download the manual you purchase upon completing checkout. You will have up to 90 days to download the file to your computer/tablet, however you will be able to view your purchase permanently after it is saved. The manual will never expire.

Order Related

How do I download my order?

After checkout, an email with a link to download your purchase will be sent to you immediately. Look for the “Click here to download” link in the email to start the download. If an order confirmation email from us has not been delivered to you within 5-10 minutes, please check your junk/spam/promotions folder or contact us.

I have not received the download link, what next?

There could be a few reasons why:

  1. The email address entered at checkout may have been invalid or contained a typo
  2. The email was delivered to your junk/spam blocked or was blocked by your email service provider
  3. Payment has not yet cleared

Please contact us with your order number or email address used at checkout and we will gladly resend your order confirmation email.

The download link does not appear to work on my computer or device, what next?

When you click/tap the download link, the file may download in the background to the default downloads folder. Please check the Downloads tab in your computer or device’s web browser. Download progress may also appear in the status bar on smartphones.

How long do I have to download the manual I purchased?

You have up to 90 days to download the manual and save it to your computer for permanent viewing. We recommend saving a copy to a USB flash drive or disc. The manual itself will never expire.

We will also provide a replacement link, by request, up to 360 days after purchase. If you have trouble downloading a manual, please contact us and we will be happy to help.

How do I view the manual I purchased?

All manuals are in PDF format viewable on your computer, tablet or mobile device, unless noted on the product page. We recommend Adobe Reader or Foxit Reader (free) as a PDF viewer.

Can I print the manual?

Yes, there are no restrictions on printing the manuals we offer.

How do I open a zip file?

Some manuals contain multiple files compressed into a zip archive to save space. The zip file download will need to be extracted to a folder on your computer before you can view the contents. Instructions can be found below.

For best results, we recommend downloading zip files to a desktop/laptop computer instead of mobile devices.

Payments and Refunds

Which payment methods do you accept? Is your website safe?

We accept secure credit card payments, Apple Pay, Google Pay and PayPal. Encryption is used at checkout to safely transmit payment data to our credit card processor. Your payment information is never stored on our systems. Additionally, all files are routinely scanned for viruses and malware.

How do I pay with PayPal?

When selecting PayPal as a payment method, please note that we will manually invoice you after the order has been placed. Typically, this is done within 1 hour but can take up to 12 hours. If you need access to a manual immediately, please consider using a card payment or Apple/Google Pay.

Can I pay in a different currency?

All prices are listed and processed in U.S. dollars. Your bank/card statement will display the payment in your local currency.

Do you offer refunds?

Due to the digital nature of the products we sell, all sales are final and non-refundable. If you purchased the incorrect manual, please contact us before attempting to download any files. If there is a problem with the manual, we will be happy to correct the issue in a timely manner.